I’m Natasha and this is my story.Hands kept on knocking on the door of my house, and this got me frightened. My mum had told me earlier to ensure I locked up all the doors of our house, especially at night since she is traveling and I am the only one left at home. I adhered to her instructions but was perplexed at the knocks, I heard on our door.
They had taken our light earlier, I just had my rechargeable lamp with me. I picked up my phone to call my mum but I remembered the battery got drained earlier. The knock got intense and my fears deteriorated. I checked the time on my wristwatch and realized it was past midnight.
I began asking myself lots of rhetorical questions like, who could be knocking on our door by this time of the night? How did he/she have access to our gate? instantly, I remembered that we had no gate man and I was not sure if I locked up the gate properly.
I began to pray silently but the knock got more intense. Immediately, I started hearing my name alongside the knock. The voice I could hear behind the knock was deep. The voice kept on knocking and saying “Open the door, Natasha, I know that you are in there”.
When I heard the voice, I stopped praying. My feet started shaking, my whole body began to fidget and I started sweating profusely. I wondered why the hands knocking were not getting tired.
My mind flashed back to the previous day I was coming back from school and a young man stopped me, he asked for my number but I refused to give it to him. I did not want to because the young man in question was known for his notorious personality. I continued walking and he continued calling me. The last words I heard him say were “I will deal with you”. To me, it was an empty threat not until that night when the hands kept knocking on our door.
Hearing the knock, I concluded he was the one. I have heard of him raping many young girls because they refused to give him their number or attention. Now, I am his next victim. I was becoming weak and more scared.
I thought of screaming since it was night, and people would hear my voice but I have a tiny voice, hence, screaming was the last option.
I picked up a pen and paper and wrote a letter to my mum. In the letter, I explained everything to her and concluded the letter by telling her that if she came back and didn't see me in the house, she should know that I was dead.
I reminded her that I loved her so much. With tears rolling down my cheek and I was about to drop my pen, I woke up with a shout.
I realized it was just a nightmare but it looked so real. I checked the time and it was 2 am. I entered the bathroom to go take a shower because I was already sweating profusely. After bathing, I sat down and began to think about the nightmare I had earlier, just when I was still thinking, I slept off.