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Those who say “diamonds are a girl’s best friend” have clearly never owned a good handbag. This accessory is not only great for carrying essentials, it also has the power to enhance any outfit. It’s one of the best fashion items to invest in, and while bags were previously used for convenience and functionality, these days handbags are more of a statement piece.
Over the past decade, handbag trends have come and gone. And while it’s okay to use something that makes your daily life easier, showing up at socials requires a little more panache. With the current trends, all you really need space for is lipgloss, keys and a cellphone. Some handbags are even transparent, allowing you to show off that even the contents are part of the overall look.
But, before we jump on the top six must-have designer mini bags, let’s look at how trends have evolved over the years.
Bags that reigned between 2010 to 2015
When the Mulberry Alexa bag dropped in 2010, everyone wanted to get their hands on it. The signature double-buckle feature on the front made it stand out. The fact that you could carry it as a briefcase or hang it over the shoulder also made it versatile. From 2011, we saw more flat clutches at red carpet events. These bags are sophisticated and classy, but since trends have evolved — they may now be better suited for the office. In 2012, Goyard tote bags became even more popular when the brand released a new collection with a unique colourway. When Mansur Gavriel launched bucket bags in 2013, they sold like hotcakes. They work with almost every outfit. The only downside is that they can become a bit disorganised inside because they don’t have compartments that keep things in place. Satchel and Bowler bags dominated trends from 2014 onwards. Satchels may look small, but there is more to them than meets the eye. When Valentino introduced rockstud satchel bags, almost every celebrity ran with the trend. Some even got shoes with rockstud embellishments to match their bags. Givenchy then launched colourful Lucrezia bags, which were very similar to the bowler bags.
Must have bags from 2016 and onwards
The Crossbody bag made it to many street-style trends in 2016, making it a good accessory for formal, casual and sometimes athleisure outfits. Ark bags came along and were an instant hit amongst influencers. Perfect for the beach, almost everyone who went on vacation in 2017 had this bag. When Rihanna attended her street naming ceremony in Barbados back in 2018, she rocked a Jacquemus mustard micro bag and almost broke the internet. Celebrities like Lizzo, Eva Chan, and Brittany Snow, naming but a few, also jumped on the micro bag trend. A popular trend from the late 80s and 90s, fanny packs made a huge comeback in 2019. They came in a variety of styles to suit different tastes and needs. During the global lockdown, shopping bags became trendy. People carried these because all they did was shop for essentials then go back home.
For the latest minimalist luxury, these are some of the must-haves from top designers.
1. Daniel Diyepriye Velvet/Suede Chain Bag
This bag comes in embossed grained calfskin with velvet lining and is finished off with the brand’s signature gold-tone jigsaw clasp. It comes with two straps, an adjustable leather one and a gold-tone chain strap for a more chic look. Its gold logo stands out on the fastening stud. Add it to your bag collection for only R5,926.
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2. Reform Studio Mini Afro Basket
Sustainability is key, and that’s reason enough for you to get the mini afro basket bag. This mini bag was made by skilful craftsmen from up-cycled plastic bags integrated with natural fibres and high-end genuine leather. It comes with a removable adjustable cross-body strap and has an interior wall pocket to safely tuck in your essentials. It sells for $230.
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3. Okapi Nambi Bag
This luxury feather tassel clutch is named after The African Goddess of The Sky who then left to live with an earthly man named Kintu. The bag pays homage to the rich history of Oudtshoorn, a town in the Western Cape, South Africa, where the feathers are sourced. The ostrich feather bag comes with a long strap for £825.00.
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4. Bouswari Ouly Bag
The Ouly is not just an ordinary accessory, it is a special bag that pays tribute to all women pioneers in their respective fields. It is made of Nappa leather with a suede-like fabric lining and a custom made logo inspired by the Akan gold weights. Akan gold weights are made of brass and are used as a measuring system by the Akan people of West Africa to weigh gold dust (the previous currency before replacing it with paper money and coins). Each Ouly bag costs $290.00.
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5. Thalia Strates Kai Bag
Named after its muse, Kai Avent-deLeon, the Kai bag is made of raw leather that makes its suede lining stand out. It has an adjustable and removable strap as well as an internal zip-up pocket. It comes in a variety of colours such as sand Nubuck, coffee, cognac with natural Springbok, and black with Springbok and sand Nubuck with natural Springbok. This bag will cost you R4,200.
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6. Lisa Folawiyo Beaded Top Handle Bag
This is one of the most unique handbags you will ever own. Each piece is handmade using beads to magnify extra attention to detail. It is available in several colourways such as red, green, blue, purple and cream. Each bag costs $250.
Carefully read your bag’s care info and store it in a dust bag so that it remains in good condition for longer.