The ages of 20-29 is a period where change and transition occur continuously. Many young adults are now establishing their routes in life, looking into new possibilities, and managing the responsibilities of adulthood. Hope can be vital in assisting young adults to find themselves and stay motivated during this phase.

It’s so beautiful how we can imagine anything. I am in awe of how much it's free to hope for anything, without limits, but sometimes life has a way of yanking one back to reality. The one thing that stands out is the fact that if you don't have support in life, you still have hope, and that is one of life's greatest gifts; the ability to hope.
The role of hope
Although it can be challenging to feel hopeful in uncertain and unsettling times, research shows that having hope for the future increases resilience, capacity to endure adversity, and the ability to bounce back more rapidly from failure.
Some of us are experiencing hardship in Nigeria at the moment, with the obvious political division, a poor economy, inaccessible funds, and civil unrest. There is a significant drop in optimism for the average citizen. The number of people who have left the country to start life in another man’s land has risen dramatically in recent times. Those left behind cling on to hope and the belief that things will get better – that they must get better.
It’s okay to sometimes stray from our intended course, dreams, and aspirations, or even occasionally find ourselves in circumstances that cause us to lose ourselves. This is where hope plays a vital role – it helps keep us anchored and steers us back to our purpose.
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." – The Shawshank Redemption.

Cultivating hope
What is Hope? Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a happy outcome in the future. It is the conviction that, even in trying circumstances, good things can occur. It takes work and effort to effect positive change, that is why hope is not a passive emotion. Hope is an active energy that spurs us to move toward our objectives rather than just a wish or a dream.
Vicenarians can achieve their goals with the desire, tenacity, and a sense of empowerment that hope provides. More than optimism, hope can increase our belief in our abilities.
A better future for oneself and loved ones, a better economy, good health, love, respect, relevance, and so on, are all things that people hope for. According to psychologists, having hope is a necessity, not a luxury. It's essential, in my opinion, for our very survival that everyone has some sort of hope, big or small.
I could go on about how vital hope is in our lives, but let me explain how one can cultivate it. For hope to serve its purpose in our lives, we must nurture it early. One of our innate strengths is the ability to hone in on our mental power. Set goals and take action, control what you give your attention to, focus on what matters, and seek guidance. Surround yourself with a community of people who will help you stay on track; this can be a friend, coworker, mentor, or even a member of your family. This will ultimately help you develop a system that is effective for you and you can begin to reap the fruits of hope.
Your thoughts are the primary component of hope, when combined with focus and positive emotions, they become strong and can alter your world in a good way. Nearly everything that occurs in our lives is the result of thoughts. Thoughts impact your reality and actions, so once you think of something, it’s highly likely that it will translate into an action.
“I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.” – Oprah Winfrey
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Writing Strategic Optimism
Remaining hopeful
Despite how crucial hope is, cultivating it is not always simple. Establishing attainable, reasonable goals can boost your self-esteem and sense of accomplishment. Concentrate on the positive aspects of life, and even under challenging circumstances, look for possibilities. Supporting ourselves emotionally and practically can help us become resilient and conquer challenges individually.
Our ideas and feelings are where the cycle of hope begins, and how hopeful we are also has a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves. We are more motivated to accomplish our goals and are more likely to endure trying circumstances if we are hopeful.
Now that you are aware of what hope is, adopt it and make it work for you.