The Africa of my dreams, my home, the Motherland
It is who I am, in my lips, and thick kinks in hair that reaches to the sun
My past, present, and future all flow in my blood like the Nile
From the dunes in the Sahara to the reefs of Seychelles
As the Atlantic ocean falls at my golden brown feet
Mountains that dare to touch the colorful sky
Joy that covers the land like a powerful rainfall
The Africa of my dreams, a thought that troubles my young mind
Will my dreams ever be real?
For it is not perfect, but a work in progress.
What is the Africa I dream about?
One where safety is not my first trouble,
Where the history of our beautiful continent does not drag behind us like a hook in the sand.
But become the anchors to move us forward
Where our leaders look not for what to take but what to give
Leaders who hope for us to prosper and not fall behind
Africa of my dreams is a beautiful place that embraces all
One where I do not have to leave my home to achieve a better life but return to create a better future
An Africa where the pain of our origin does not derail us but empowers us for greatness
We are not terrorists. We are not poor. We are blessed.
We are destined for more greatness
An Africa where nations work hand in hand to grow together and become one
I dream of hope, because what is life without hope
We are the next generation.
The Africa of our dreams is great and can be greater.
My generation has already turned the world on its head.
We have power, they can not comprehend.
Our weapons are not that of mass destruction, but to flourish as one.
The Africa of my dreams is the one that this generation builds from the ground up
It is about time that Africa sees its true potential.
Your gold, coffee, chocolate all come from the Motherland that you continue to disrespect and disregard.
The Africa of my dreams is one where we work together to reach a common goal.
The Africa of my dreams is magical
The Africa of my dreams is whole
The Africa of my dreams is unique
The Africa of my dreams is extraordinary
The Africa of my dreams is brave and beautiful
A continent that stands tall and is impossible to be forgotten