Hello new people and to a new year. Hubby and I flew back to Zambia this morning. I miss Moo. The airbnb hosts had two cats and one just became our lil friend while we stayed there. Leaving Capetown was really hard. I didn't want to pack. I packed with very little enthusiasm and just hoped for some odd reason we wouldn't have to leave our little slice of heaven. Where we stayed, Simons Town, is a lovely corner wrapped by the ocean on both sides. Capetown has friendly exchanges with strangers wherever you are. Parking attendants doing their best to put a smile on our face, and staff that love their jobs you almost forget you are buying your groceries. I spent from January - November 29 in Zambia. From January - Sept 21 my husband was with me as we are on an adventure of a lifetime. Quick recap for those that are reading for the first time, I am applying for my bestowal so I can regain my citizenship (get an NRC and passport and work legally) that I unfortunately due to the laws at the time, when my parents immigrated to Canada, all of us had to automatically give up our Zambian citizenship, but not our identity. I spent my entire childhood, up to adulthood living in a country that hasn't been giving everyone the same access and it's being sued because of it. Racism is real. Back to the story.
We landed safely and got back to our spot shortly after being picked up. Having been back only a day I already know what matters most to me, and how do I want to begin finding new resources and tools for when things are no longer in alignment and I need to hit reset.
Zambia is not Capetown and Capetown is not Zambia. The world is complicated but the world is also such a beautiful place with a tremendous amount of opportunities. Find your voice, find your village and chase your vision.
Happy 2024. Always put you first, it's not selfish it means you are acknowledging that you matter and that is important.
More Capetown stories to come. I might even do a Vlog on my YouTube channel. There, its out.