Marriage is your soul searching and finding your rightful soul partner of the opposite sex under the leadership of your own Spirit.
Marriage and Six Levels of Maturity you have to Consider before getting Married.
Marriage is a sacred union between two individuals, typically a man and a woman, recognized by society and often guided by religious or legal institutions. It involves a lifelong commitment, partnership, and the sharing of responsibilities, emotions, and life experiences.
Marriage is a fundamental social institution that serves as the foundation for families and provides a framework for emotional and economic support. It often involves vows or promises to remain faithful and supportive of one another.”Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." - Genesis 2:24 (ESV).
Marriage between Adam and Eve :
Scriptural Reference: The story of Adam and Eve’s marriage is found in Genesis 2:18-24.In the Bible, God created Adam and then Eve as his partner, emphasizing the idea that marriage is a divine institution. The union of Adam and Eve is seen as the model for marriage, symbolizing companionship, unity, and the two becoming one flesh.
"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’" - Genesis 2:18 (ESV)The entire Genesis 2:18-25 passage discusses the creation of Eve and the union of Adam and Eve.
Fundamentals of Marriage:
The fundamentals of marriage typically include love, commitment, communication, trust, and mutual respect. These elements form the basis for a healthy and enduring marriage.
Types of Marriage:
There are various types of marriage worldwide, including monogamy (one spouse at a time), polygamy (multiple spouses simultaneously),each influenced by cultural, religious, and legal factors.
Culture and Marriage:
Marriage customs and traditions vary significantly across cultures. These customs often reflect societal values, religious beliefs, and historical practices. For example, arranged marriages are common in some cultures, while others emphasize romantic love as the basis for marriage.
Benefits of Marriage:
Marriage can bring numerous benefits, such as emotional support, companionship, shared responsibilities, financial stability, and a conducive environment for raising children. It can also provide a sense of belonging and security.
Successful Marriages in the Bible:
Example: A notable successful marriage in the Bible is that of Ruth and Boaz. Their love, loyalty, and faithfulness to each other exemplify the principles of a strong marriage.
"So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech." - Ruth 2:3 (NLT).The story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates a loving and faithful marriage.
Unsuccessful Marriages in the Bible:
An example of an unsuccessful marriage in the Bible is the marriage of King Solomon, who had many wives and concubines, which led to conflicts and idolatry, ultimately causing the downfall of his kingdom.
"King Solomon loved many foreign women... His wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God." - 1 Kings 11:1-4 (NIV)King Solomon’s multiple marriages led to spiritual and political problems.
The Spirituality of Marriage:
The spirituality of marriage varies across religions, but in many faiths, marriage is considered a sacred covenant before God. It often involves spiritual practices, blessings, and the belief that the union is guided and strengthened by a higher power.Levels of Maturity to Consider before Marriage.
1. Mental maturity
Mental maturity requires the development of the mind. It also demands the ability to make decisions. Being able to stick with the right decisions and also be responsible for your decisions. It is acquired through reading books, attending seminars making researches and engaging in mental activities. Speaking to people much higher than you in every area you want to improve.
To be a male is a matter of chance, but to be a man is a question of choice. This area is very important that both the man and the woman develop it. It is mental maturity that causes a man to defend his wife outsides. Hence, cautions and corrects her in the bedroom, not in the public.
2. Physical Maturity
In Physical maturity, the saying age is just a number, does not really apply. In a marital relationship, a ten-year-old girl cannot talk about marriage. Because there is a tendency she cannot conceive at that age. She cannot bear the pains of child labour and hence should not go into marriage.
It is very crucial to attain physical maturity. It is crucial to grow up. Among the six types of maturity to attain before marriage, this one is essential for both male and female.
3. Social Maturity
Another area of maturity is social maturity. You should be able to interact with people in a godly manner. There is a saying, “the way you dress, is the way you are addressed”. Learn to dress responsibly, wear decent dresses. Be polite in the way you talk to people. A kind answer soothes anger, but a harsh word increases wrath. (Pro 15:1).
Be romantic, learn how to address people. Social maturity requires the ability to say, “I am sorry” even when you are the one offended. You should be able to say “please”.
4. Spiritual maturity
Spiritual maturity also counts. Relationship (marriage) without spirituality is just like a house without foundation. It enables you to take some things you cannot take normally. Spirituality is not a function of position in the church. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes, but the LORD weigheth the spirits.
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. (Pro. 16:3). Your character must depict love. You should be able to forgive when offended. Pray at all times . Among the six types of maturity to attain before marriage, this one is essential.
5. Emotional maturity:
Here, you must be able to control and manage your emotions. You cannot give what you don’t have. Love genuinely, don’t love because you think your mates are married or about to marry. You should be able to control circumstances. Do not allow your happiness to be determined by other persons. You don’t fall in love with everybody that comes your way.
6. Financial maturity
Financial maturity is an essential area of maturity. A man should be able to provide and cater for his family. It costs money to take care of a marriage or sustain a relationship. You have to be doing something that pays enough to take care of the bills.
Before you should talk about marriage. School fees are involved, house rents are involved, hospital bills and others. The partakers of a relationship should sit down and think. Think about how they are going financially before they consider getting married.
Financial maturity involves spending judiciously. You don’t buy everything that comes your way. You have to set your priorities and scale of preference. It does not necessarily mean that you should be very wealthy or be a millionaire before marriage. But have a financial focus.
For a relationship to stand the tides of time. The six types or levels of maturity to attain before marriage are must-have. You don’t do anything because others are doing it. Do it because you can handle whatever comes out of it.