Did you know, one out of ten pregnant young girls willingly get pregnant ?
If this is the case now, what does the future hold ?
I met with some pregnant teens at home and in schools, did a local survey actually. After talking to the girls, on a scale of 0 - 10, 3 percent decided to be pregnant and were so happy about it.
Even on social media, you see pretty young girls sharing stories of how they got pregnant and excited about having a baby and becoming a young mom. It is now moving from the usual causes ( that is rape, forced marriage, ignorance, etc )we think brings about such pregnancies to a whole new level of these young girls willingly getting pregnant inorder to have a taste of motherhood and apparently save their future for important stuff like their careers.
According to statistics and speculations, each year 12 million girls aged between 15 -19 gives birth in developing countries and 3 in 10 American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20.
With these numbers, do you still think all early pregnancies are due to the usual causes ?
In the past, teen pregnancy or early pregnancy was unacceptable especially morally, to the extent pregnant girls dropped out of schools or faced severe punishments, although some causes like rape saved the day but they were left with stigmas and emotional damage.
Even till now, some homes especially the African homes for not tolerate it even when it is a mistake ( you know what I mean ) but the society is gradually accepting it and young girls no longer feel ashamed of it. Some reasons why young girls want to or get pregnant early are to be single mums ( baby mamas ), save their future for their priorities or set goals, aesthetics, taste the joy of motherhood, influence, etc.
This brings us to think of what the future will be like in this situation. The world is evolving and there are big changes all around, we are moving fast to another level, we are evolving, knowledge is everywhere and influence is real. If proper care is not taken, there will be way more early and teen pregnancies in the future. And the interesting part is, it will be out of willingness and pure choices not the rape, ignorance, forced marriage and others. Perhaps, except for underdeveloped countries and places; sexual ignorance is becoming a thing of the past, forced marriage is going into extinction, rape is fading away because sex is on the rampage (except in some cases) and influence is real.
Certain measures should be put in place to remind young girls of who they are and the future ahead of them inorder to prevent them from making such choices.
I keep on pondering on what this world will be like when the Gen-Z takes over as parents, elders and leaders. Parents, leaders, guardians should make hay while the sun shines. They should not slack but sensitize and continue to empower young girls, the Gen-Z bring them up with morals inorder to protect their future.
Pregnancy is not a bad thing, it is a blessing infact, everyone wants to be a mum, I want to be a mum, a great mum at that but there's a right time. Out young girls need to be know of this right time, so they make the right choices and have beautiful futures.