Growing up I've always loved beauty and fashion. Not because my mum is a fashion designer or once a hair dresser as we say here in Nigeria. It's just something that draws me and I could say it's one reason I love makeup, hair making and anything beauty related. I also love artificial nail art, while growing up as a little girl, I love to see ladies wear this form of adornment. Only my family I express my love for these art and I can vividly remember the first time I wore acrylic nails, they were the worst lol. You might think "she likes it why say it's the worse?"
I did it myself then (remember I love beauty and adornment, so I learned quite a number of things here and there)and in terms of comfort = zero. It was nice, it looked nice but it felt weird then, like I was carrying some kind of baggage that would be stuck with me for a while, due to the discomfort, I had to remove them immediately and said I rather just admire the ladies bold and comfortable enough to wear them.
Tomorrow is my birthday and my brother paid for my nails to be done and although it's not like that time I still wonder how ladies do it, like how?
I admire the ladies who wear them even more and I salute how you carry this like it's a part of you (eat, write, type, etc)
As people know, I'm a writer and I type fast on my laptop keyboard but this nails are slowing me so damn down 😂 but I love them. They are pretty and maybe, just maybe I might get used to it but I just wrote this to appreciate all women out there who wear these adornment and carry themselves with confidence.
Thank you for reading this post and have a blissful night ❤️🌹