1. Titilayo
When does the pain go away?
When dealing with grief, people come... they tell you everything will be good, that all will fall in place but I have one question, just one question. When does the pain ever go away?
Is... is it when you... is it when you don't think of the pain anymore or the cause of the pain or how the pain could have been prevented or... or how you'll let the pain slip away like it never came?
When really does the pain ever go away? Okay now, how do you get it to stop? To leave? How?
Do you stop thinking? Do you hold your breath for a second and count to ten before releasing it? Do you... just let it dwell within you and... eat you up till there's nothing left?
Does. It. Ever. Go. Away?
That's... that's just all I need to know. Will it go away? Because I want it gone.
Dayo... you're my soulmate and I'll forever miss you but I need you, not this pain. Rest well .