Road to you

Puplished 24th January 2024

It’s all but a dream that lives within me. It all started as a glance of what could be. Now I live in the wonder of what will be. If only I knew this road would lead me to you. What if or could be but the clock ticks with each heartbeat felt. Taken was the breath that should have been mine. Joyful are the thoughts that come to be. Maybe I’m just a lover of my own. Blessed by the existence of another. Nothing can take away the sparks that fly. Accepted and loved but still I find another reason. Would have left but rather was moved by the moment. Healed and whole but still I seek another adventure. Raised a flower in the storm but yet I thrive to keep. Loved many but not more than I am by you. Married to the life I chose with you. With and within but still without I’m lost. Live in reality for that’s where happiness is found.
