Throughout my life, I carried a heavy burden that I kept hidden from the world. As a young girl, I was subjected to abuse by my stepfather, causing me to live in fear and shame. His passing in 2019 left me engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions - anger, sadness, and guilt. I felt alone and unsupported, as my family mourned the loss of a loved one, while I was left to grapple with the pain he left behind.
But in the midst of my struggles, I discovered something remarkable. I realized that I had always been a refuge for others, offering help and comfort to those in need. It dawned on me that perhaps I was drawn to support others because I understood the depths of suffering in silence, or perhaps it was my escape from my own pain.
However, it became clear that I could no longer continue on this path. I needed healing and self-care. I yearned to find a way to process my emotions and face my past. It was then that I found mindfulness.
Mindfulness taught me to embrace the present moment and acknowledge my thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment. It gently encouraged me to find solace in the now and to let go of the past. It taught me that my past does not define me; I am of value, deserving of happiness and healing, with the potential to achieve my dreams.
I also learned that everyone bears their own burdens, and I need not compare my struggles to others or carry their emotional weight. I could still offer support while setting healthy boundaries and seeking assistance when needed.
Through mindfulness, I not only found healing from trauma but also became a better listener. I now understand the importance of listening to my own needs, empathizing with others, and appreciating the beauty of the world around me.
Though I am not as strong as people believe, I have discovered an inner resilience that guides me through every challenge. I have also learned that it's okay to lean on others and that they may need me just as much as I need them. Let's cherish the present moment and find joy in the now.