When it comes to traveling, Alma Asinobi stands as a true testament to the power of determination. Her journey isn't just about destinations; it's a journey through self-belief and audacity. Alma's story can be captured through her own words:
"I didn't wake up one morning and find myself here. I started from somewhere."
Currently, Alma is on country number 17, Northern Ireland. She is known as a travel entrepreneur and a content creator who owns Kaijego. For many who might believe that Alma was born with a silver spoon to afford her travel expenses, Alma has this to say: "Back then, I would empty my account to buy a flight ticket, without knowing where the rest of the money from the trip will come from - hotel, food, everything. I believed in myself die."
When she took a trip to Jordan last year, she had just left her job and had no salary, and her income was still very unstable. She mentioned making a deposit towards the trip, but when the time came, she still didn't have enough money, so she had to take a loan. Alma didn't grow up with privileges; she built her life from scratch.
Believing in herself despite any obstacles led her to strategize her marketing prowess, persistence, and innovative thinking, “I walk around living life and demanding more with audacity that must only be exclusive to delulu premium subscribers…”
Alma's story is a testament to the stages of life and the incredible journey that unfolds when one dares to dream.
The architecture M.S degree holder shared her best advise for those who look up to her:
“ - Prioritize learning.
And I don’t mean courses. Read books. Apply yourself in new ways that exercise skills you already have.
Start a business just to learn how to sell. Create and manage a social media account, just to learn how to. You never know.
- Live like you have nothing to lose, but invest in yourself and go all in like you have no plan B.
- Closed mouths don’t get fed. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you demand.
- Put yourself out there. Nobody knows who you are or what you do until you show them.
- Build your immunity to no. Stay focused on the yes you’re looking for.
- Start small, where you are and with what you have.
You don’t need to see the whole staircase. Believe in yourself enough to take the next step. You have what it takes, trust me, you do.
- Ask for help, leave independence for October 1.
- Know when to stop or switch lanes. If sth doesn’t work anymore, do sth about it.
- Intentionally consume content that opens your mind. You can’t dream of or work towards something you think is impossible, or don’t know exists.
And that’s why I share my journey as transparently as possible.
It’s possible.
It’s not too late for you.
& everything you need, you already have.”
You can discuss your goals, or your travel fears in a 45-minute one-on-one session with Alma on: https://selar.co/askalmaanything
Or purchase her book that guides you through the process of making your first post as a content creator on: https://selar.co/aathepaidcreative
Otuosoro Ranjo