In the vast tapestry of beliefs and languages, the connection between humans and the universe is often shrouded in mystery. With diverse tongues spoken worldwide, there's a prevailing notion that the universe or God responds to prayers based on the sacredness of specific languages. However, the profound truth lies in the language of energies and the intentions that emanate from our innermost selves. This article explores the concept that energies serve as the universal language that bridges the gap between humanity and the cosmic forces, emphasizing the importance of aligning our intentions with positive vibrations.
The Language of Energies
While many believe that prayers are answered based on the language spoken or the sacredness of words, the universe responds to the energies of intentions. Contemporary religious teachings often emphasize the sanctity of certain languages, but the cosmic energies recognize only the vibrations and intentions we release into the universe.
Understanding Energy Vibrations
Ever wondered why some prayers seem unanswered despite fervent efforts? The key lies in the energy vibrations we emit during prayers or in anticipation of answers. If these vibrations don't align with our true intentions, the universe responds accordingly – either with a negative outcome or no response at all.
You Are One with the Universe
To communicate effectively with the cosmic energies, recognize that you are an integral part of the universe. Your energies shape the universe's response towards you. When speaking or praying to the universe, focus on releasing positive vibrations and intentions that harmonize with your desires.
The Present-Tense Language of the Universe
The universe doesn't discern languages as humans do; instead, it reads vibrations. Your vibrations, intentions, and energy signal to the universe what you seek. Communicate effectively by using the present tense in your prayers and affirmations. The cosmic energy recognizes 'now' as reality and responds with immediate effects.
Affirmations and Cosmic Realities
The universe comprehends thoughts and feelings differently from human perception. If you state, "I will be wealthy," the universe hears, "I don't want wealth now." To align with cosmic energies, affirmations should convey an immediate possession of what you seek. Always say, "I am wealthy," "I am successful," "I am healed," or "I am confident." The universe shapes your reality based on these affirmations.
Communication with the Universe/God
Speaking to the universe or God involves embodying desires and intentions in the 'now.' There are no sacred or religious languages; the universe recognizes vibrations and intentions. Thoughts and words often fall short, but you, as the universe, hold the keys to answered prayers and affirmations. Recognize your inherent connection to the cosmos and communicate with your higher self, aligning your intentions with the universal language of energies.
Energies are the universal language that connects us to God or the cosmos. By understanding the language of energies, aligning intentions with positive vibrations, and communicating in the present tense, we unlock the power to shape our reality. Recognize that you are one with the universe, holding the keys to your answered prayers and affirmations. Embrace the language of energies, and let the cosmic forces respond to the vibrations of your desires.