How do you eat bread?
The first thing to note is that dietary pattern is very important. We are not to focus ONLY on what we eat but also on how we eat what we eat.
Unhealthy eating patterns can affect one's overall health
Bread if eaten once in a while, in moderation can be a healthy part of the diet. But how you eat it, matters a whole lot.
Here are 4 ways you should NOT eat bread
1. Eating too much bread at a go: A slice of bread contains about 80 calories. 5 slices contain 400 calories. That is a whole lot of calories in one sitting considering you may still take tea, butter, etc, which will add extra calories. Doing this consistently can adversely affect your body system function. Rather eat not more than 2-4 slices of bread per meal
2. Eating bread with soft drinks: I see many people do this a lot. This is an unhealthy eating habit. Refined white bread is already high in sugar, combining it with a drink that is also high in sugar may be detrimental to your health
3. Eating bread alone: Eating bread alone will make you overeat bread and you will also not be getting a balanced diet. Rather, eat your bread with a good source of quality protein such as peanut butter. This way, you will feel fuller and get a more nourishing meal
4. Eating bread with ONLY animal butter or margarine: I am not against bread and butter, but that is not a balanced meal. It is better to pair bread with good sources of protein and fiber. Since most bread (especially white bread) is low in fiber.
In the next post, I will be sharing with you the right ways to eat your bread.
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Your Nutritionist