Success is a subjective term that differs from one person to another. However, generally, a person is termed successful once they have achieved their goals or attained their desired outcome. Being successful has to encompass several aspects of life because success is a multi-faceted concept. Hence to be successful, doesn't just mean making a lot of money and achieving financial success, it also includes personal, professional, and even spiritual success. Leading a successful life depends on one’s values, priorities, and goals.
Overall, a successful life entails overcoming challenges and achieving one's goals and aspirations. 2024 is here and it's wishful thinking to hope things change for the better without making proactive steps to forge ahead in 2024. As we step into the new year let's step in with strategies to conquer 2024 and come out successful at the end of the year. I will be giving you 12 top tips to help you get ahead in 2024. I'm positive these tips will help you live a more fulfilled life in 2024 and you can always let me know how these tips have been useful to you as 2024 advances.
Set SMART Goals
Okay so, the first tip is to set out your goals for the year. A large percentage of individuals would enter the new year without any plan or goal for the year. After listening to this podcast, I hope you won't be among that percentage. Setting goals helps you have direction and purpose. It ensures that you don't just go aimlessly wherever the wind blows you in 2024. So as we enter 2024, set goals and objectives you would like to work towards. The goals you have set could be short-term goals or long-term goals covering various aspects of life such as finance, career, health, relationships, personal development, etc.
You can set goals using the SMART technique. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Specific entails that you clearly define the goal and the purpose for it. Measurable means you have to create metrics for measuring the progress of your goal. For example, instead of saving money as your goal, your measurable goal would be saving 600,000 in 12 months. This ensures that you can track your advancement and determine when you have successfully achieved the goal. Your goal has to be Achievable. It should not be unrealistic and unattainable but rather it has to be a feasible goal. Also, your goal has to be relevant and important to your wider aspiration and there must be a specific and reasonable timeframe for achieving the goal. So an example of a SMART goal would be to save 600,000 naira for an emergency fund within a year that is for 12 months by allocating a specific portion of monthly income which is 50,000 naira.
Develop Time Management Skills
Another tip is to manage and use time efficiently. Time waits for man so it is important if you want to be successful in 2024 that you learn to manage and use your time properly. There are only 24 hours in a day so use it wisely. How you use every minute of your day determines how productive your day will be. Having a schedule and making use of time management tools like calendars, planners, reminders, etc. can assist you in effectively utilizing your time. I make use of a daily planner and it helps me get the most out of my day. I write down my tasks for the day bearing in mind my goals and deadlines.
My friend Victoria constantly tells me about how calendars, schedules, and reminders have helped her remain organized, focused, and in control of her time. She uses them to manage her responsibilities while keeping track of important events and tasks. Also, to prevent wasted time, learn to avoid distractions and prioritize the tasks you have to do in order of importance.
Harness the Power of Networking
I'm taking a wild guess that you are quite familiar with the term networking. Networking is one of the surest tips for becoming successful in 2024. Do you know how to harness the power of networking? There are so many testimonies from successful people who got to where they are now by utilizing the power of networking. Networking can open you up to amazing opportunities, and provide you with valuable insight which would enable your growth. So in 2024, reach out, build, and nurture relationships.
Social media is a great tool for networking. LinkedIn and other social media apps are solid platforms for you to cultivate useful connections in various fields. You can try other in-person mediums of networking like volunteering at events or organizations within and outside your industry. Volunteering provides a chance to work alongside professionals and make meaningful connections. Likewise attending conferences, seminars, workshops, and networking events relevant to your field can provide you with the golden opportunity to meet professionals, share experiences, and expand your network. When networking in person, be authentic, exchange contact information, and follow up on connections you made.
Learn Financial Management
As the new year unfolds, it is also important to understand and manage your finances wisely. We say no to impulsive buying and wasteful spending in 2024. There is no way you can be successful if you don't learn to manage the resources you already have. It's time to adopt the habit of budgeting, saving, and investing. PiggyVest and Cowrywise are great apps that you can use to manage your finances. They provide various saving options for instance, with these apps you can also save with family, friends, and even colleagues. They also have investment options. Yes, there would be expenses and probably unforeseen ones but budgeting would go a long way while also making provisions for saving or investing your funds to yield returns. Let's get financially savvy this new year!
Invest in continuous Learning and Skill Development
Because success is a journey and not a destination, it is wise to adopt continuous learning and skill development if you want to forge ahead in 2024. There's a saying that goes “The more you learn the more you grow.” The importance of continuous learning and skill development cannot be overemphasized. If you are a photographer or a chef, what's the extra you can learn about? You can learn more and get certifications from various educational platforms like Google, Coursera, Udemy, Edx, Skillshare, etc.
Take that class, attend that seminar, go for that training, and just keep making conscious efforts to learn more, build your skills, and grow as the way to success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge. A great way to keep learning and growing your skills is through mentorship. Sarah is a marketing professional however, she is faced with several challenges in navigating her career path. Through mentorship with an experienced marketing executive, she gained insights into strategic planning and effective communication. The mentor guided negotiating promotions and expanding her network. With this support, Sarah not only climbed the corporate ladder but also became a mentor herself, paying forward the knowledge she gained. It is safe to say that Sarah is now leading a successful life. Give mentorship a shot in 2024.
Stay Ethical
In the pursuit of success, it is also important to maintain a strong moral compass. So the next tip here is to remain ethical. Staying ethical is a foundation for success. When you stay ethical and stick to your core values and principles, not only will you be creating a good reputation for yourself, but you also foster an atmosphere of trust among the people you interact with. Trust is needed for any relationship to thrive and when people recognize that you are a reliable and trustworthy individual, opportunities tend to flood in.
It is saddening that in the quest for material and superficial success, people abandon their value set. There was a recent trend on social media where ladies were told that “good girl no dey pay.” This can be inferred to mean that being virtuous and adhering to positive values won't get you anywhere. I want to put it out there that one of the best ways to get ahead in 2024 and beyond is to maintain a positive value set.
Engage in Personal Branding
Another key tip is to engage in personal branding this year. Personal branding is the process of creating and managing a distinct image and reputation for oneself. It involves strategically showing one's unique qualities, skills, strengths, perspectives, values, and experience to create a positive and lasting impression on others. That is, portraying who you are, what you stand for, and what you bring to the table. Personal branding highlights what makes you different from others.
Social Media tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are platforms where you strategically build and showcase your brand. A well-managed brand can lead to increased opportunities, whether in career advancement, entrepreneurship, or personal development. Temi Badru is a successful lawyer, journalist, moderator, and event host. She has created a stellar personal brand and is now a personal brand consultant teaching people how to do so too. It goes to show the benefit of having a personal brand as it boosts credibility and increases visibility.
Always Plan
There's a popular saying that goes “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” This statement emphasizes the importance of preparation and forethought on your journey to success. A plan is the road map or strategy to achieving your goals. While goals are abstract, a plan is concrete and practical. Having a plan in line with your SMART goals which you have set ensures that your resources like your time, energy, and finances are not wasted but used efficiently and effectively.
Having a well-thought-of plan guides your action in a purposeful direction. It helps you to stay focused on the task that aligns with your goals. When you have a plan you tend to be motivated to work harder and you are less likely to feel overwhelmed. Although planning doesn't eliminate the possibility of unexpected and unforeseen events it helps to anticipate and resolve these problems.
Be a Communicator
Throughout the year, communication is inevitable and you are bound to have numerous interactions with different people, and organizations. Do you have proper communication skills? Most Nigerians lack communication skills and don’t understand the importance of proper communication skills. If you want to get ahead in 2024, I would advise you to hone your communication skills both oral and written.
Effective communication is vital for success. It guarantees that your intentions, goals, and expectations are properly articulated and understood by others and that you also understand messages conveyed to you. Teamwork and collaborative efforts as well as successful and strong relationships thrive on effective communication. As an effective communicator, you can also easily resolve misunderstandings and issues. You can improve your communication skills by active listening, showing empathy, and continuous learning.
Practice Positive Thinking
I would also suggest that you practice positive thinking and have a positive mindset. Positive thinking shapes one's outlook on life, influencing actions and decisions in a way that leads to a more successful and fulfilling life. Positive thinkers are adaptable and resilient and these are two key factors you would need in your journey of success. With a positive mindset, you can bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward.
People who think positively tend to see change as an opportunity for growth rather than a challenge allowing them to adapt to a new situation. Also, you are more likely to come up with a solution when you are faced with a challenge and even see that silver lining of opportunity in a difficult situation when you think positively. So no matter what happens in 2024, no matter what you hear and see, no matter what's making the rounds in the news, no matter the feedback you get regarding that application, choose to remain positive because it is one of your top tips to forge ahead this year.
Invest in your Health
These pointers wouldn't be complete without stressing the need to invest in health. Why, because health is wealth and not just your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional well-being. It is only when you are physically and mentally fit that you can pursue your goals. Your mental well-being is linked to creativity and innovation. A healthy mind comes with a certain level of sharpness which can generate ideas and solutions, make informed decisions, and tackle challenges.
You need a healthy body to carry out your daily tasks efficiently. There is just no way to succeed and enjoy the fruits of your success if you are mentally or physically ill. How can you invest in your health? You can do this by adopting healthy lifestyle habits like sufficient sleep, proper nutrition, regular exercise, engaging in leisure activities, etc. All in all, a healthy life is vital for a successful life.
Stay Informed and Practice Reflection
Lastly, stay informed and regularly practice reflection. Be abreast of happenings in your field and in the world at large. Follow reputable news platforms, subscribe to magazines and newsletters, set Google alerts, and be in the know of industry trends and development and also global occurrences. Staying informed increases your knowledge, helps you make informed decisions, and gives you that added advantage. Also, don't wait for the middle of the year to do a mid-year reflection rather regularly reflect on how it's been going so far. What goals have I accomplished?
What did I learn from today's encounter? What challenge did I face this month? Am I making progress in reaching my goals? What do I like about my job? Why was I rejected? Ask yourself questions and reflect on the various aspects of your life. It helps you to know what is working and what is not. Once you reflect, you will know where you've experienced growth and which area you need to improve on or make adjustments. Reflection allows for clarity, continuous improvement, progress, and in the long run, success.
It's another amazing year that provides limitless opportunities and endless possibilities. With these tips, you are bound to soar this year. Let's get ahead this year and end it successfully. Be sure to let me know what you think about these tips, how you applied them, and how they are working for you!