
Shoppable Content Template

Puplished 9th February 2024

At AMAKA we want to be able to make it easier for you to share stories so here are templates you can use to starting writing today.

Headline (Top tip: Add in a number in the headline e.g. Top 10 Concealers for Dark Eye Circles, 5 Best TikTok Beauty Hacks for Hyperpigmentation 

Introduction Paragraph (Top tip: Answer your own question - why are the below in your listicle? Why should your reader care?

  1. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  2. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  3. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  4. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  5. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  6. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  7. Product Explanation, Shop Now! (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  8. Product Explanation, Shop Now (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  9. Product Explanation, Shop Now (Hyperlink Chosen Product)
  10. Product Explanation, Shop Now (Hyperlink Chosen Product)

Conclusion Line (Optional)


Fashion and Beauty
Shoppable Content Template | by AMAKA Editorial | AMAKA Studio