Fist and Odds is a short photo documentary involving some boxers in the Township Area of Port Harcourt Nigeria. The idea of the project was birthed immediately after I arrived at the sports complex which happened to be a venue for a music video shoot my colleague and I shot, a wave of nostalgia swept over me and it reminded me of my childhood because I was very much involved in sports. I kept thinking about athletes I knew back then who didn't make it professionally and how tough that could be mentally on them and the only sport I could think of to document is boxing cause it seems to be more rigorous and exposing one’s face and brain to damages from punches over time from different boxers and still not making out professionally as to be more devastating.
After much deliberation for the title of the project my business partner “Dalton Foh” came up with the title “Fist and Odds”, and that stuck with me immediately because of how simply and perfectly it describes the idea behind the project. #AMAKACreatorGrant #ForAfricansByAfricans